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Goose Prairie Solar

Assigned Site Specialist

Sara Randolph

Assigned CFE

Bill Sherman

Brookfield Renewables
Under construction

Project background:

On January 19, 2021 EFSEC received an Application for Site Certification (ASC) from OER (OneEnergy Renewables) WA Solar 1, LLC (the Applicant) proposing the construction and operation of Goose Prairie Solar (GPS). The ASC proposes the construction of an 80 megawatt (MW) solar photovoltaic project with an option battery storage system located in Yakima County, Washington. According to the ASC the Applicant anticipates beginning commercial operation by the end of 2022.

The Facility will utilize solar photovoltaic (PV) panels to convert energy from the sun into electric power which is then delivered to the electric power grid. The optional battery energy storage system would not exceed the nominal 80 MW capacity of the facility. The optional battery storage system would store power generated by GPS and dispatch it to the electrical grid at a later time. The facility is currently designed to utilize lithium ion battery energy technology. However, pending commercial interest, GPS could be designed to utilize flow battery technology.

EFSEC’s review process

EFSEC reviews applications for the siting of energy facilities and prepares a recommendation to the governor on whether to approve or reject the application. If EFSEC recommends approval, it prepares a draft site certification agreement that must include conditions to protect state or local governmental or community interests affected by the construction or operation of the energy facility. The draft agreement must also include conditions designed to recognize the purpose of applicable state and local laws and ordinances, which are preempted to the extent that they regulate the location, construction, and operation of energy facilities under EFSEC’s jurisdiction. If signed by the governor and the applicant, the site certification agreement is binding.

The Applicant requested that EFSEC review its ASC under expedited processing. If a request for expedited processing is granted, EFSEC does not conduct an adjudicative hearing on the application before preparing its recommendation to the governor. To be eligible for expedited processing, the environmental impact of the proposed energy facility must not be significant, or must be mitigated to a non-significant level, and must be found consistent and in compliance with local land use plans and zoning ordinances.

Yakima County certified that the Project:

  • is defined as a Power Generating Facility under Yakima County Code Title 19, the Unified Land Development Code
  • is proposed to be within the Agriculture Zoning District, within which power generating facilities are a Type 3 Use, pursuant to Table 19.14-1 Allowable Land Uses
  • is consistent with Title 19 and would be eligible for review and permitting under Yakima County permit processes

Type 3 Uses are “uses which may be authorized subject to the approval of a conditional use permit as set forth in Section 19.30.030. Type 3 conditional uses are not generally appropriate throughout the zoning district. Type 3 uses require Hearing Examiner review of applications subject to a Type 3 review under the procedures in 19.30.100 and YCC Subsection 16B.03.030(1)(c).” YCC Title 19.14.010(2).

EFSEC issued a Mitigated Determination of Nonsignifigance under the State Environmental Policy Act on July 30, 2021. Based on this determination, and on EFSEC’s finding that the Project is consistent and in compliance with local land use plans and zoning ordinances, EFSEC granted the Applicant’s request for expedited processing on August 6, 2021. However, EFSEC stipulated it would hold a hearing akin to the County’s conditional use permit hearing to receive comment on whether any additional conditions should be required to meet the purposes of Yakima County’s conditional use criteria.


September 27

Document Title Document Date
Agenda 09/27/2021
Goose Prairie Presentation 09/27/2021
Notice 09/27/2021

2021 Special Meeting Documents


Counsel for the Environment

Comments received:

Important Note: Public comments submitted to the Council via the internet or in writing become public records under the Washington State Public Records Act (RCW 42.56). Information included in the comment such as the commenter's e-mail and mailing address becomes a public record once it is provided to EFSEC and may be subject to public inspection and copying if not protected by federal or state law. For additional information please see our Privacy Notice.

***ERROR*** No Document Group found

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Input required for this block [facility]/[process]/[docGroup]
TRYING: facility=Goose Prairie Solar; process=Compliance; docGroup=Comments-ISRP

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MDNS comments

Conditional Use Public Comments

Document Title Document Date
Comment #1 09/28/2021
Comment #2 09/28/2021

Other documents:


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