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Chehalis Generation Facility Permits

Issuance of Chehalis Generation Facility

Draft Title IV and Title V (AOP) Permits

Public Comment Notice


Comments Due By: Friday October 22nd, 2021


Permit Number: EFSEC/06-01 AOP Rev. 3


Applicant: The following applicant has a Title V Air Operating Permit (AOP) from the Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council (EFSEC):


         Chehalis Generation Facility

         1813 Bishop Road

         Chehalis, WA 98532


Action: EFSEC is issuing a draft renewal AOP for the Chehalis Generation Facility. Air Operating Permits must be renewed every 5 years. This renewal will represent the fourth 5 year permit term for the Chehalis Generation Facility. The Title IV Acid Rain Permit is being renewed as part of the AOP.


Facility Description: The Chehalis Generation Facility began commercial operation (for the purposes of Title IV) in June 2003. Power is generated by two GE model 7FAe+ combustion turbines operated in combined cycle mode with a single steam turbine. The facility has a nominal generating capacity of 520 MW. An air-cooled condenser system is used in lieu of a wet cooling tower system to minimize water consumption. A 16.9 MMBtu/hr Auxiliary Boiler was commissioned in 2010 to provide steam to the facility to reduce the duration of startup events. No duct burners, emergency generators, or emergency fire pumps have been installed at this facility.


Pollutant Discharge: Estimated emissions to the ambient air are as follows:



2020 Total Emissions


Potential to Emit

Nitrogen Oxides (NOX)



Carbon Monoxide (CO)



Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)



Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)



Particulate Matter (PM)



Particulate Matter (PM10)



Particulate Matter (PM2.5)



Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAP) Emissions




Project Impact: This action does not change existing permit limits already established in federally enforceable permits. All applicable air quality requirements for the Chehalis Generation Facility have been compiled in draft Air Operating Permit EFSEC/06-01 AOP Rev. 3.


Additional Information: Copies of the draft permit and basis statement are available on our website or upon request from EFSEC at (360) 664-1345.


How To Comment: How can you provide public comment?

You may comment on the proposal from 5:00 am Wednesday, September 22nd, 2021 through 5:00 pm Friday, October 22nd on the EFSEC website at https://comments.efsec.wa.gov or in writing to the EFSEC office (see address above).


A public hearing may be requested within the comment period. Any request for a public hearing shall indicate the interest of the entity filing it and why a hearing is warranted. EFSEC may, in its discretion, hold a public hearing if significant public interest exists.


Comment Response: EFSEC will examine all information received and issues raised during the comment period. Following this review, EFSEC may modify the permit to address concerns raised during the comment period. The proposed Title V permit will then be forwarded to EPA for final review prior to issuance.