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Resolutions - Columbia Generating Station

Document Title Document Date
Resolution 347 Amendment 1 Authorizing Fish Collection for Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, Subject to Conditions 04/23/2021
Resolution 347 Authorizing Fish Collection for Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program, Subject to Conditions 06/16/2020
Resolution 332 - Amendment 1 03/15/2023
Resolution 332 Revisions to the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 02/21/2012
Resolution 326 Columbia Generating Station - Emergency Preparedness Offsite Agency Support 03/10/2009
Resolution 318 Columbia Generating Station Site Certification Agreement Removal of Condition VI.A.1, Project Visitation 11/14/2006
Resolution 311 Columbia Generation Station - Emergency Preparedness Offsite Agency Support 01/11/2005
Resolution 310 Energy Northwest - Columbia Generating Station Termination of Non-Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 04/19/2004
Resolution 307 Energy Northwest Disposal of Water Stored in WNP-1 and WNP-4 Service Water Ponds 09/08/2003
Resolution 306 Columbia Generating Station Condenser Scale Removal 04/14/2003
Resolution 303 Energy Northwest - Columbia Generating Station Hydrogen Storage and Supply Facility 02/18/2003
Resolution 300 CGS Sanitary Waste Treatment Facility 09/10/2001
Resolution 299 - Amendment 1 03/15/2023
Resolution 299 Columbia Genearating Station Cooling System Sediment Disposal (with cover letter) 08/13/2001
Resolution 296 Hanford Wildlife Mitigation Project Rattlesnake Slope Rehabilitation 11/13/2018
Resolution 295 Energy Northwest Dry Cask Storage Facility 09/11/2000
Resolution 293 Energy Northwest Change of Corporate Name 12/01/1991
Resolution 293 Amendment 1 Energy Northwest Change of Corporate Name Columbia Generating Station Change of Plant Name 09/11/2000
Resolution 288 WNP-2 Landfill Closure and Management, 11/10/1997 11/10/1997
Resolution 287 WNP-2 EP Study -Recommendations 11/10/1997
Resolution 287 Amendment 1 - Accepting WNP-2 EP Study Group Recommendations Report 06/18/2001
Resolution 286 Closure of Notice of Incident and Request for Assurance of Compliance 09/08/1997
Resolution 278 - Authorizes the Onsite Disposal of Cooling Tower Sediments 05/08/1995
Resolution 273 - Increase Power Input 09/12/1994
Resolution 271 - Closes Resolution 268 Water Discharge 08/08/1994
Resolution 260 - Approval of Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 01/13/1992
Resolution 259 Amendment No.1 - Approval of Operation of Sanitary Waste Treatment Facility 11/14/1994
Resolution 258 Amended - Standby Service Water System 08/10/1992
Resolution 251 - NPDES Condition G35 Fulfilled 06/11/1990
Resolution 249 - Approval of the use of Sodium Bromide as Bio Fouling Agents with Conditions 05/14/1990
Resolution 244 - Adopting Rules Directing Applicants and Certificate Holders to Formulate Plans for Site Restoration, 08/22/1988. 08/22/1988
Resolution 240 - Condition of G2 of the WNP-2 NPDES Permit 12/17/1987
Resolution 230 (Rescinded by Council Motion 4/8/1991) 03/24/1986
Resolution 228 WNP-2 Revised Monitoring Program 01/13/1986
Resolution 225 - CGS Visitor Information Facilities 12/10/1984
Resolution 224 - Contract with L&I to provide electrical inspection services 11/26/1984
Resolution 214 (Amended) - Analyze and present pre-operational aquatic data 11/08/1982
Resolution 209 - Mitigate Fishery Loss during testing of WNP-2 water intake facility 08/09/1982
Resolution 201 (Amended) - Approval of the use of Calgon Corporation water treatment chemicals 01/25/1982
Resolution 186 - Pre-Operational Monitoring Program 11/24/1980
Resolution 157 - WPPSS 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 09/24/1979
Resolution 152 - Granting Relief from Monitoring Program 06/11/1979
Resolution 132 Revised Monitoring Program 01/23/1978
Resolution 122 - Technical Committee Recommendations 06/27/1977
Resolution 2-71 Directing Compliance with the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 11/22/1971
Resolution 1-71 Informational Hearing Regarding Site Application 10/22/1971

Resolutions - Desert Claim

Resolutions - Grays Harbor Energy Center

Resolutions - Kittitas Valley Wind Project

Document Title Document Date
Resolution 328 09/01/2009
