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Home » EFSEC Document » Horse Heaven Wind Farm » Horse Heaven Wind Farm / Adjudication » Horse Heaven Wind Farm / Adjudication / docGroup » Horse Heaven Wind Farm / Adjudication / docGroup / Admitted Exhibits

Horse Heaven Wind Farm / Adjudication / docGroup / Admitted Exhibits

Horse Heaven Wind Farm - Horse Heaven Wind Farm - Docket:210011

Process Type Document Group(s) Document link File Date Document Set
Adjudication Exhibit EXH-1002_T_REVISED - Direct Testimony and Attachments of Erik Jansen on Behalf of Scout Clean Energy 08/23/2023 Admitted
Adjudication Exhibit EXH-1062_X - Washington State GIS - Tribal Lands Layer 08/23/2023 Admitted
Adjudication Exhibit EXH-1055_X Zoning Interpretation Letter from Greg Wendt 08/15/2023 Admitted
Adjudication Exhibit EXH-1057_X Email Correspondence (Jan 8-11, 2011) 08/15/2023 Admitted
Adjudication Exhibit EXH-3011_R Don McIvor Periodic Status Review for the Ferruginous Hawk 08/25/2023 Admitted
Adjudication Exhibit EXH-5623_T Pre-filed testimony Ronne Fletcher 08/25/2023 Admitted
Adjudication Exhibit EXH-1004_T_REVISED - Direct Testimony and Attachments of Emily Ragsdale on Behalf of Scout Clean Energy 08/23/2023 Admitted
Adjudication Exhibit EXH-1063_X - Demonstrative Map 08/23/2023 Admitted
Adjudication Exhibit EXH-2001_T Pre-Filed Testimony of Greg Wendt 08/15/2023 Admitted
Adjudication Exhibit EXH-3012_R Don McIvor Multi-scale Resource Ferruginous Hawk 08/25/2023 Admitted
Adjudication Exhibit EXH-1065_S - Supplemental Testimony of Brynn Guthrie on Behalf of Scout Clean Energy 09/07/2023 Admitted
Adjudication Exhibit EXH-1003_REVISED - Erik Jansen Resume 08/23/2023 Admitted
Adjudication Exhibit EXH-3018_X - WDFW Management Recommendations for WA's Priority Species 08/23/2023 Admitted
Adjudication Exhibit EXH-2003 Pre-Filed Testimony Michelle Cooke 08/15/2023 Admitted
Adjudication Exhibit EXH-3013_R Don McIvor Population Viability Ferruginous Hawk 08/25/2023 Admitted
Adjudication Exhibit EXH-1064 - Supplemental Testimony of Dave Kobus on Behalf of Scout Clean Energy 09/07/2023 Admitted
Adjudication Exhibit EXH-1006_T_REVISED - Direct Testimony and Attachments of Troy Rahmig on Behalf of Scout Clean Energy 08/23/2023 Admitted
Adjudication Exhibit EXH-4014_X_REDACTED - "Moon Memo" 08/23/2023 Admitted
