Columbia Generating Station |
CGS SCA Amendment 2 Signed |
03/18/1982 |
Columbia Generating Station |
Resolution 1-71 Informational Hearing Regarding Site Application |
10/22/1971 |
Columbia Generating Station |
Resolution 332 - Amendment 1 |
03/15/2023 |
Columbia Generating Station |
Resolution 273 - Increase Power Input |
09/12/1994 |
Columbia Generating Station |
Resolution 293 Amendment 1 Energy Northwest Change of Corporate Name Columbia Generating Station Change of Plant Name |
09/11/2000 |
Columbia Generating Station |
Letter from Department of Ecology regarding NPDES Permit Dehalogenation Chemical Feed Project Engineering Report |
06/19/2018 |
Columbia Generating Station |
Original SCA with Attachments |
05/16/1972 |
Columbia Generating Station |
Resolution 326 Columbia Generating Station - Emergency Preparedness Offsite Agency Support |
03/10/2009 |
Columbia Generating Station |
001_Energy Northwest |
03/16/2023 |
Columbia Generating Station |
Resolution 271 - Closes Resolution 268 Water Discharge |
08/08/1994 |
Columbia Generating Station |
Resolution 287 Amendment 1 - Accepting WNP-2 EP Study Group Recommendations Report |
06/18/2001 |
Columbia Generating Station |
Returned mail for Richard Domingue |
04/10/2019 |
Columbia Generating Station |
SCA_Amnd1 |
09/25/1975 |
Columbia Generating Station |
Resolution 318 Columbia Generating Station Site Certification Agreement Removal of Condition VI.A.1, Project Visitation |
11/14/2006 |
Columbia Generating Station |
002_Department of Natural Resources |
03/23/2023 |
Columbia Generating Station |
Resolution 258 Amended - Standby Service Water System |
08/10/1992 |
Columbia Generating Station |
Site Certification Agreement Amendment No. 1 |
09/25/1975 |
Columbia Generating Station |
NPDES Permit Modification Fact Sheet Errata No. 2 |
03/19/2019 |
Columbia Generating Station |
NPDES Permit Modification Fact Sheet Amendment No.2 |
03/19/2019 |
Columbia Generating Station |
SCA Amendment 2 dated 03/18/1982 |
03/18/1982 |