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Desert Claim / Adjudication

Desert Claim - Desert Claim Wind Power LLC - Docket:180105

Process Type Document Group(s) Document link File Date Document Set
Adjudication Order Order 838 Prehearing 1 Granting Petition for Intervention, Allowing late-filed Petition & Establish Hearing Schedule 04/29/2009 00127
Council Orders for the Desert Claim Wind Power Project
Adjudication Order Order 840 Prehearing 2 Denying Intervention & Amending Schedule 05/12/2009 00127
Council Orders for the Desert Claim Wind Power Project
Adjudication Order Order 841 Granting Extension of Time to File Pre-filed Testimony 06/10/2009 00127
Council Orders for the Desert Claim Wind Power Project
Adjudication Resolutions Resolution 353 - Desert Claim SCA Amendment 2 10/18/2023 Resolutions
Adjudication Transcript Adjudicative Hearing Transcript 07/13/2009 00128
Council Hearing Transcripts for the Desert Claim Wind Power...
Adjudication Transcript Adjudicative Hearing Transcript 07/13/2009 00128
Council Hearing Transcripts for the Desert Claim Wind Power...
Adjudication Transcript Adjudicative Hearing Transcript Pages 07/21/2009 00128
Council Hearing Transcripts for the Desert Claim Wind Power...
Adjudication Transcript Post-Hearing Conference Transcript 07/22/2009 00128
Council Hearing Transcripts for the Desert Claim Wind Power...