Columbia Generating Station |
Resolution 293 Amendment 1 Energy Northwest Change of Corporate Name Columbia Generating Station Change of Plant Name |
09/11/2000 |
EFSEC general documents |
751 Posthearing Order No 2 |
09/12/2000 |
WNP 1 and 4 |
Resolution No. 296 Hanford Wildlife Mitigation Project |
11/13/2000 |
Chehalis Generation Facility |
Order No. 753 - Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, Approval of Amendments, On Condition |
02/12/2001 |
EFSEC general documents |
754 Council Order Recommending Denial |
02/16/2001 |
EFSEC general documents |
755 Posthearing Order No 3 |
03/01/2001 |
Chehalis Generation Facility |
Site Certification Agreement Amendment 1 |
03/06/2001 |
EFSEC general documents |
756 Posthearing Order No 4 |
03/14/2001 |
Columbia Generating Station |
NPDES Permit Effective dates 4/9/2001 - 4/9/2006 |
04/09/2001 |
Chehalis Generation Facility |
Amendment 1 Notice of Construction and Prevention of Significant Deterioration Final Approval |
04/10/2001 |
EFSEC general documents |
757 Order on Applicant's Motion for Reconsideration |
04/20/2001 |
EFSEC general documents |
758 Order on Whatcom County's Motion for Reconsideration |
05/16/2001 |
Columbia Generating Station |
Resolution 287 Amendment 1 - Accepting WNP-2 EP Study Group Recommendations Report |
06/18/2001 |
EFSEC general documents |
759 Prehearing Order No 1 |
07/27/2001 |
EFSEC general documents |
760 Prehearing Order No 2 |
08/09/2001 |
Columbia Generating Station |
Resolution 299 Columbia Genearating Station Cooling System Sediment Disposal (with cover letter) |
08/13/2001 |
EFSEC general documents |
Application for Site Certification Appendix B |
08/25/2001 |
EFSEC general documents |
Application for Site Certification Appendix M |
08/25/2001 |
EFSEC general documents |
Application for Site Certification Appendix C |
08/25/2001 |
EFSEC general documents |
Application for Site Certification Cover Letter |
08/25/2001 |